If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you could be.
—Maya Angelou

Lisa Chalmers, CHt., CPLR
Certified Hypnotherapist
Certified Past Life Healer
Intuitive Psychic Medium
hat is exactly how most of my gifted friends felt growing up. I was lucky to grow up in Northern California in the 80's. You were celebrated for being different. This is also where i got my start. The Berkley Psychic Institute was the one place i always felt amazing. It was there that I learned the fundamental teachings that allowed me to tap into my psychic gifts.
Marriage, family and life took the lead and I neglected my passion and true calling for several years. After moving to Texas and finding my mentor, Chuck Murphy, I decided it was time to get back to being me. I took Chuck's Zero to Psychic course, and a whole new world had opened up for me again. Some of my talents include Intuitive Psychic (I get pictures in my minds eye), Clairaudient (Hear Messages), Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist, and Certified Past Life Regression Healer. I discovered Hypnosis a few years back. This has opened up a whole new world to my pyschic abilities.
The desire to learn abounded, and I decided to work toward my PhD in Pastoral Counseling and Hypnosis; concentrating on past life regression, past life healing and sports motivation/sports anxiety therapies.
I feel very blessed to be doing the things that I have always longed to do, and with each new day I open up more and more... It's like coming home. I look forward to meeting you and would be honored to do a reading and/or hypnosis session with you.